We wondered "how pervasive is LAMP stack in web applications in 2024?"
A literature review suggests that the LAMP stack remains highly pervasive in web applications in 2024,... Continues...

Custom online process-management and do-it-yourself websites for personal and small business use. We specialize in non-profit and multi-lingual organizations. We've been doing this since 1994, based on our team's 80 years prior experience in computing, data management and multimedia communications.
- Customer relations management
Our customer relations management (CRM) service supports customer service, field operations, scheduling and routing with robust, secure, customizable, database-driven tools under development and continuous use since 2008. We specialize in support for recycling and related industries. Learn More
Custom Websites
Build your site on SitemakerCMS℠, our flexible, database driven, content management and automated page-generation platform with do-it-yourself, on-the fly editing and updating, designed with non-profit organizations and small business in mind. Use one of our templates, or let us build one for you that matches your design preference. Our simple editing system lets you Point, Click, Publish with little or no technical knowledge. It automatically supports both open page design and preconfigured tools like blogs, image galleries, forms management, newsletters, bibliographies, directories, podcasts, video and more, all accomplished with simple forms, or by HTML/CSS as needed to expand design options. Technical support is available ad hoc or by service agreement. [Learn More!]
- Community Networking
Your community, church, school, or business can use our social networking tools to improve communication while avoiding commercial "social networks" with their barrages of advertising and tracking. Our specialties include alumni associations and religious communities. This extension of our web publishing tools can be used to integrate your users into your website. [Learn More]
Blog/News Preview
Persistance of LAMP Stack Continues
Directory Upgrade Features Stored Searches
When a user executes a search in the Sitemaker directory tool on any hosted website, the system remembers the search terms, so if the user exits the page and returns later, a... Continues...
Add a Newsletter/Blog to any site; set up in minutes; just Point-Click-Publish!
Viene pronto: Sitios y videos bilingües. ¡Siga este espacio!
NOTICE: Effective immediately and until further notice we will not host domains, store links or accept or send email with the top-level-domains .SU or .RU.