Clark Internet
CIC Manual: Location Service Request
Call center procedure for Standard Biofuels
Customer Information Center (CIC)

Control the conversation! If caller gets ahead of the procedure, politely interrupt and ask whether the call is about a specific location.

  1. YES: Subject of call is service at a customer location.

    1. ask the name of the location.
    2. look up the location with the Quick Search*; you may also search on other facts like the zip code, city, or phone number; be creative!
    3. if no result, use the Full Search*
    4. if result is a list, click name of location to select; options:

      1. caller is requesting oil pickup: click the service truck symbol; enter name of caller in popup alert; you are finished; OR
      2. caller is requesting callback or any other service; take a CIC MESSAGE; CIC will include location ID automatically and send a referral and notification to the appropriate service center.

    5. if still no result, continue to #2.

  2. NO: The call is not about a location, or the searches were fruitless.

    1. confirm caller's name, company, phone, email and zip code; repeat search if appropriate.
    2. if the call is for a PERSON, look up in system.
    3. Found: Select the person from the popup list and take a message for the person IN THE CIC, being sure to choose or assign the recipient where possble.

  3. Only if NOT a location and NOT a message for a known person, take a message IN THE CIC. System will store the message and send a notification by email., either to the zip-code-linked service center or to the national office. HELP us! Include the zip code on all messages; unless the caller adamantly refuses it.

Email, texting, etc., should be used only as a last resort. If you have selected a location or a person, trust the CIC!
* The Quick Search is not like generic search engines. It searches name, address, city zip code and phone number. Individual words in the search string are compared separately to each item in an "OR Search," and all partial matches are returned. Spelling counts! If your first try finds no match, try again with slight variations on words, or a different subset of words.
* The Full Search offers numerous preconfigured selection criteria to reduce your searching time.