Implementation and Training
S = Standard; P = Professional; J = Journalmaker; E = Enterprise
Item | S | P | J | E |
Quick Start Package (QSP) includes database setup, domain registration or transfer, template and tool selection, and adaptation and installation of user-supplied or user-selected graphics with up to six hours editor training or development support (telephone and online training). Instead of learning esoteric "web stuff" you apply your valuable time to your content. [BUY NOW] | $495 | |||
Professional Setup includes QSP and activation of selected optional professional tools (directory, members... as appropriate to project) and up to twelve hours of customization, editor training and/or development support. Requires minimum, non-cancelable six month term of service. | from $895 |
Journalmaker Setup includes Professional setup, plus comprehensive article management system, plus banner advertising system and other tools, plus up to 20 hours of customization, editor training and/or development support. Requires minimum, non-cancelable six month term of service. | from $1,595 |
Enterprise Setup includes Professional or Journalmaker setup, up to thirty hours editor training and/or development support. Includes all interactive and fundraising tools. Option to use member networking or to define subordinate constituent sites. Requires minimum, non-cancelable six month term of service. | from $1,995 |
Additional customization and/or training is available at hourly, daily or weekly or project rates. |
Publishing, Hosting, Domain Administration, Technical Support
S = Standard; P = Professional; J = Journalmaker; E = Enterprise
Hosting & Domain Administration: Includes use of Sitemaker CMS and/or Journalmaker editing suite, tools, automated content management and design systems. All support is on our server network. Technical support is as shown for Premium and Journalmaker sites. No content support is included (does not include manipulation of text, graphics, or other content; see Creative Support below). Bandwidth-intensive tools including podcasting are likely to incur additional storage and bandwidth costs. Domain administration and renewal are included while an account is current; delinquent accounts will be assessed a restart charge.
Do not compare these fees to "hosting" deals you find on the Web. Most of the recurring fees are not for hosting or machine resources. They also reflect the time you will save on data management and the salary you will not pay a "webmaster" to manage your site. Any competent writer or manager can manage the data in your site, and one Clark Internet-trained liaison person can manage the structure and design easily.
Standard Sitemaker Package
Item | S | |||
$59 |
Professional Tools
Item | S | P | J | E |
DIRECTORY. Like yellow pages, this tool organizes links to other sites. Options include mapping, privacy settings, optional addition of links by users, login for users and item highlighting. In Professional, Journalmaker and Enterprise packages you can set fees and turn your directory into a revenue center. Setup and training $150; monthly as at right. | $29 | N/C | N/C | N/C |
ENHANCED CALENDAR. Adds recurrent events, optional image and banner ad venue. Setup and training $100; monthly as at right. | $29 | N/C | N/C | N/C |
MEMBERS. Lets you establish a relationship with your visitors. You can require a login and password and divide your site into public and private segments. Standard service is limited to 500 members; unit charges may apply to member lists over 500 persons in other packages. Setup and training $150; monthly as at right. | $59 | N/C | N/C | N/C |
GALLERY CATALOG. A custom catalog based on our image gallery system. Suitable for product line up to about 100 items; consider OS Commerce for larger catalogs. Setup and training from $100 depending on degree of customization plus a unit fee per item if we do the item setup (you can do it yourself); monthly as at right. | $29 | N/C | N/C | N/C |
PODCASTING. Adds support for industry standard podcasts and episodes. Storage and bandwidth surcharges apply. Setup and training from $100 depending on degree of customization; monthly as at right. | N/A | $59 | $59 | $59 |
N/A = not available. N/C = no charge. Revenue options not available in standard package. |
Upgrade Packages
Packages include tools shown in the respective columns above as N/C. Others have the prices shown.
Item | S | P | J | E |
Professional. Includes Standard package and adds option to use separately priced Professional Tools. Typically follows Quick Start Plus Package. | from $99 |
Professional Plus. Includes Professional package and all Professional Tools, except Podcast. Also minimum fee if Clark Internet has ANY content responsibility. Supports sites with essentially unlimited pages and complex structures. | from $159 |
Journalmaker. Includes Professional Plus package. Adds option to use article management and advertising tools. Supports news and magazine sites, potentially with up to thousands of articles. | from $299 |
Enterprise. Includes Professional Plus and Journalmaker features. Adds option to manage multiple sites under a single domain. Separate pricing applies to subordinate sites. | from $499 |
Prepaid technical support (hours/month) - Operation/intervention regarding the editing system and/or training. Journalmaker and Enterprise users may apply prepaid amount to creative services. Service is provided on a callback basis. Additional technical support or content support is billable or may be prepaid in ten-hour blocks. Technical support in the Standard package is 100% billable except for issues attending system errors. | 0 | 2 | 4 | 8 |
Disk storage (Mbytes) | 100 | 200 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
Data transmission (bandwidth) (Gbytes/mo.) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Miscellaneous Services
Item | S | P | J | E | |
Extra storage per Gbyte 120% of allocated cost based on prior month. Payment is by separate invoice payable on receipt. | Min. $10 | ||||
Extra bandwidth per Gbyte, 120% of allocated cost based on prior month. Payment is by separate invoice payable on receipt. | Min. $10 | ||||
Use your own domain registrar. This makes extra work for us, as every registrar has its own esoteric procedures. Payment is by separate invoice payable on receipt. | Annual $25 | ||||
Paper Invoice. Monthly amounts shown above are for scheduled electronic prepayment from a bank or credit card account. If you require a paper invoice or wish to pay by check, a service fee applies. | Monthly $25.00 |
Dedicated Server Option
Technical support up to five hours per month is included. Additional technical support, consultation, training and content management assistance are available at our hourly rates during regular business hours.
Disk storage is defined to accommodate your anticipated data requirements; additional fees may apply above 500 gigabytes of storage. Content is backed up on our regular schedule along with our own servers. Data transmission is limited only by network capacity. Transmission of 50 gigabytes per month is included. Additional bandwidth is billed at 120 percent of our cost.
A one-year, noncancelable service agreeement is required. Setup fee varies with project specifications. Requires Enterprise or Journalmaker package.
Expensive? Not really; remember you need no webmaster.