Clark Internet Platform
Consulting Services Complement Web Development
Originally founded as a web design and Internet services company, Clark IP's management team has found that it spends nearly as much time in general consultation with clients as it does on tasks specifically associated with those clients' web sites. With a collective background of many decades of experience in education, government, business and organizational management, we are able to provide tools to help clients express a consistent message to clients by integrating their web presence with their other communication services.

Our CIP Sitemaker™ tools are designed to assimilate a client's pre-existing materials quickly and efficiently as the basis of a web site. A basic web presence, complete with services like calendar, newsletter, and response form, can be active in minutes and linked to a domain sometimes as early as the next day. We encourage our clients to focus on their message, using graphics and text derived from their letterhead, brochures and print advertising, and to develop their image further over time.

Based on an initial consultation whose fee is partially credited toward any early purchase, we are able to help small organizations with no full-time communications staff to objectify their needs and to focus their attention on key messages, using an "outward spiral" metaphor in which core ideas are expressed immediately and prominently, with amplification in online articles and companion pieces in print and other media. We also consult on and coordinate associated projects in print and media advertising.